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following Nadia s scent. She is not conscious and I fear there will be ample humans
guarding her. When I am certain I will let you know. We may need back-up to get the
child and your mate to safety.
 Why so much concern for a homeless urchin and why is Kindarak alluding to a
secret that will have me relinquishing my arms and the arms of my warriors, and most
probably my life? Could he already have Rand on board?
 Possible but doubtful. I believe the secret lies with the child; Sonny must be
protected as vigilantly as Nadia, I fear.
 What are you talking about?
 We have arrived, Bran stated, ignoring Sherem s last question. The answers
would be forthcoming when all were safe and the Stealth destroyed.  Her panel is being
guarded by a force of ten and more close at hand.
 I will send a dozen...plus one to collect this  special child and deliver it into the
arms of Catarina. Will that suffice?
 Nicely, and the sooner the better. Nadia is awakening.
 Bran, what other things can you do?, Sonny asked using mind-speak, impatient
with the waiting.
 All sorts of things. For instance, I know that they call you not just Sonny, but the
Sun of Nefar. Is that not correct?
Sonny looked down and mumbled,  Sometimes, but mostly just Sonny, if they
recall me at all. I stay hidden especially from the mean one.
Bran was positive they never forgot him and could locate him with little trouble if
they so chose. They simply wanted him to believe he could hide. A bad feeling
blossomed and spread through Bran which meant retrieving Nadia and getting the three
of them to safety with all speed. Because he was certain that the acquired name given
Sonny by Kindarak was actually a poorly crafted synonym for  Son of Nefar . Further,
he suspected Sherem s natural child, perhaps the next ruler of Nefar most likely carried
a detection device somewhere under his skin.
Twelve Nefari troops appeared around them and Bran materialized. One plucked
Sonny gingerly from Bran s back and disappeared just as quickly.
A mental grunt butted Bran s mind which signaled action underway below and in
the next moment, he and the Nefari troops engaged in battle.
Lil Gibson
After Bran ate his way through the first row of Stealth s crew, the remaining
fighting force noticeable dwindled; some taking down their own comrades in the effort to
avoid him. At that moment the guards within Nadia s chamber tumbled into the melee
leaving him the opportunity to get in.
Nadia, with eyes slitted, mind spoke,  Can t move. He had scant seconds to
trans her to the Miramid but with her body frozen and lethargic, she could not climb on to
him and he had no way to signal her exact location to get her out. More likely they
would trans him leaving her behind. She could not even grasp the band around his neck
which left him no choice but one. He concentrated all his powers, letting his mind float
and body shift. While he had played with the urge for some time, he d never successfully
accomplished the change. Now he must, in order to carry Nadia and press the disc
hanging from the chain around his neck to get them both to safety.
It happened quickly with little discomfort just when two of the enemy charged in,
blazers first. Bran grabbed Nadia, and activated the disc but Kindarak materialized at the
last possible moment.  Leaving us so soon? I m afraid I can t allow it. He pointed a
large silver weapon and fired three times into the now visibly human Bran. They
disappeared over roars of frustration from Nadia s former host.
 Nadia is safe aboard the Miramid. I regret I am unable to rejoin you. Bran s
words almost made Sherem sag and lower his sword even as he worried over his last
words, but a laser beam missing his temple by a fraction called back his attention.
 No matter, I give the word to retreat. We will come in waves to both the ports of
Miramid and Portender and take the Kerrs with us. Screams ignited behind Sherem and
the flow of battle changed to chaos. Sherem strived to keep his mind on the three well
trained enemy warriors in front of him. Kindarak had melted into the background and
probably hid in a safe room, shivering under a mat.
The cruelest bullies also proved to be the biggest cowards. One of the divine
oxymorons of the universe.
* * *
On the navigation level of the Miramid, a Kalmeri-skinned warrior shimmered
into view holding a small boy and shoved him into Catarina s arms without a by your
leave before disappearing once again. Used to the offhand behavior of what she silently
called her cat people, she caught the child in her arms and gently let him down, taking
hold of his hand.  My name is Catarina, but my friends call me Cat, she explained
walking hand in hand with the dirty, emaciated boy.  I hope we ll become great friends
because anyone who helps my sister has my eternal gratitude. Come sweetie, let s get
you fed, uh& bathed, and into a nice soft mat. Cat drew him away reluctantly, neither of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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