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some visualization techniques to break those bad habits. Here are some things to remember
when making your own visualization exercises:
1) You must be relaxed when doing visualization techniques. Trying to do these exercises
with a stressed or tense attitude will simply not work.
2) Use as much detail as possible. Always use your senses to help you visualize. Can you
see, feel, smell, hear all the things in your visualization clearly. If you can t, you need to
continue practicing until you do. Remember, as adults, we ve most likely stopped using
our imagination like when we were kids. We need to strengthen our imagination as if we
were trying to get physically fit. It takes practice, exercise, and time to get good.
3) When you first start with visualization exercises, try to do them at the same time each
day. This will reinforce the habit.
4) Remember to build a theater of your mind in which you will watch the visualization
process. Dr. Maltz has found that using a theater (something everyone is familiar with)
has much better results in helping people see the images clearly.
5) Remember your past success to give yourself that winning feeling before and after
visualizing. This will help give you the confidence it takes to succeed in the future as you
make that winning feeling a habit.
6) See yourself with kind eyes. In other words, do not beat yourself up for your mistakes.
Instead, you should forgive yourself completely and move on. By continually reliving
your mistakes, you are actually practicing the mistake so that it can happen again in the
future. Forgive and forget your mistakes.
Psycho-Cybernetic techniques can help you do much more than simply being a better
trader. They can help you with relationships, athletic competition, confidence in sales, social
activities, etc. The book Psycho-Cybernetics has helped hundreds of thousands of people
improve their lives in many different ways. There is no reason it can t do the same for you.
Here Are Some More Visualization Techniques
I remember when I first learned about using visualization techniques quite a few years
ago. Whenever I would have a problem with my trading, I would build a visualization technique
to help me get rid of that problem. The following are visualization methods that I ve used in the
past. I put these in here to show you how easy it is to make up your own techniques to help you
with any trading problem you may be having.
Trading Too Early In The Morning
For a while, when I first started trading off-the-floor, I would put on a trade right after the
open. I was so used to trading on the floor where I would do between 150-200 trades a day.
That s actually a small number of trades for a floor trader. Because of this, I would want to trade
immediately after the open, even if there wasn t the best opportunity. I just wanted to be
involved because I was so used to trading first thing after the open.
The problem was this was costing me a lot of money because I was usually having losing
trades on the volatile openings in the S&P 500 futures. It would also put me in a negative frame
of mind because many times my first trade of the day was a losing trade. So I made up this
visualization technique to help me avoid trading until there was a clear opportunity:
1) Get in a relaxed state with the relaxation technique  Calm Body, Calm Mind.
2) Watch yourself in the theater of your mind. You want to see yourself sitting at your
computer screen right after the market opens. See yourself with as much detail as
possible watching the market. See the clock right after the open. What does the
computer screen look like? How does the computer mouse feel in your hand? How do
the keys on the keyboard feel?
3) I would see myself watching the market for the first half hour of the day. I would see
myself being tempted to put on a trade. But then, in my visualizing, I would see myself
resisting putting on the trade because of how much money I was losing just to be in the
market instead of waiting for a clear trading signal.
4) I would see myself clearly waiting until at least 30 minutes after the open before putting
on my first trade of the day. (I would actually watch the clock in the theater of my mind
and avoid trading until 9:00 CST.)
5) I would then see myself perceiving a clear trading signal and, in my mind, I would take
that signal. I would then see that signal working out because I was patient and didn t
trade just to trade. I would then clearly see myself having a profitable day because I got
off to a good start instead of the old habit I had of constantly having to dig myself out of a
hole each morning.
6) Does this mean I didn t ever have losing trades in the morning anymore? Of course not!
But what it did do is get me out of the habit of feeling like I had to be in the market as
soon as it opened. And you know what, after watching this little movie in my mind, my
trading really improved over the next several months.
Are You Having Trouble Visualizing?
This is really more of a way to do visualization exercises than it is actually an exercise. A
friend of mine once told me about this when I was first learning about visualization techniques.
It s really for people who are having trouble seeing themselves in their visualizations. Here s an
idea that may make it a little easier:
Some people have a hard time seeing themselves in their mind s eye. This is a big
problem because it s important to see yourself acting the way you want in your mind s eye first.
Then, after that, your behavior will start to change.
So I would suggest instead of seeing yourself in your mind s eye, try and see someone you
admire. Do the visualization exercises, but imagine how the person you admire would handle
the situation.
The reason this works is unfortunately because we hold such a poor image of ourselves.
Usually, the reason a person has trouble with visualization techniques is because they don t [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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