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all the work.
Archdruidcy: A period of time when a person is an Arch Druid.
Arch Grove: A mid-70s grove in St. Louis Missouri with Hassidic
ARDA: A Reformed Druid Anthology.
Ar nDraoicht Fein: A new Druid organization that split off from
NRDNA to pursue Indo-European Druidism, led by Isaac
Aspen Eve and Aspen Day: HDNA term. Sunset Sunday to Sun-
rise Monday and Sunrise Monday to Sunset Monday.
Awareness: the state of mind that is the goal of Reformed Druid-
ism. See Book of Meditations in Part One
Bambi: A special order dedicated to outdoorspeople and animals.
Bard: a singer, usually with Celtic connections.
Bay Area: Any place in California near San Francisco Bay (Some-
times including Washington State) and Alaska.
Basic Tenets: The only two statements a Reformed Druid has to
agree with. Found in the Book of Law 4-6.
Belenos: A higher order (sixth) of the Sun.
Beltane: Beginning of the Summer half of the year, near May 1st.
Lots of Fun.
Berkeley Grove: A late 60’s Grove in California that was one of the
centers of RDNA culture and literature.
Birch Day: HDNA term. Sunrise Saturday to sunset Saturday
Birch Eve: HDNA term. Sunset Friday to Sunrise Saturday. and
the beginning of their week.
Birch Grove: A late 80’s Grove in New Hampshire.
Black Book: An informal hodgepodge of early Carleton liturgies.
Blue Book: An eclectic archival collection of early Carleton memos,
rites and letters.
Bonewits: A prominent Reformed Druid. Founder of SDNA,
HDNA & ADF. Called Isaac.
Boring Times: A NRDNA term for the dull period between the
Death March in 1981 and the revival of Bay Area Druidism in
Braciaca: A higher order (fifth) dedicated to brewing and malt.
Burning Times: A term used by the Neo-Pagan community to refer
to the historical period of the Witch Hunts when hundreds of
to inspire further study.
Hill of Three Oaks: A place of importance to the Carleton Grove.
Hymn to the Earthmother: the song beginning “o Earth-mother,
we praise thee for...” a common liturgical invocation.
IDA: International Druid Archives of the Carleton Druids.
Imbolc: Another name for Oimelc festival.
International Druid Archives: A collection of materials from Druid
groups around the world.
Isaac: The common reference to Phillip Emmons Isaac Bonewits.
A prominent Druid.
Joke: See Reformed Druidism.
Keltria: Short form of Henge of Keltria.
Koan: a Japanese meditative story with a hidden message of meaning.
Lacunae: holes, empty spaces
Lammas: Another name for Lughnasadh festival
Live Oak Grove: An early 80s NRDNA grove in California.
Llyr: A Higher Order (ninth) dedicated to Oceans. Never estab-
Lughnasadh: A major Druid festival held near Aug 1st to celebrate
Magick: Mind over matter.
Maple Eve and Maple Day: HDNA term. Sunset Monday to Sun-
rise Tuesday and Sunrise Tuesday to Sunset Tuesday.
Matriarch: A woman in charge of a Higher Order or Special Or-
Merddyn: A Special Order dedicated to magic working.
Meso-Druidism: Fraternal and Rosicrucian forms of Druidic re-
vival. The original RDNA may be considered to be in this
Meso-Pagan: Faternal or Rosicrucian revivals of various pagan cul-
Miach: One of the subdegrees of the Order of Diancecht. Dedi-
cated to counselors.
Midsummer: the summer solstice
Midwinter: the winter solstice
Mishmash: A collection of materials of the Hassidic Druids.
Missionary Dilemma: Early problem of the 60s of how a mission-
ary Third Order Druid could consecrate waters to ordain a
first or second order Druid, without already having a first and
second order Druid already in a new grove.
Monument Hill: Site of the first RDNA rituals at Carleton.
Mother Grove: A term that Isaac used for the HQ of the SDNA
movement. This title was usually applied to any grove to which
he was an ArchDruid.
Multi-verse: SDNA term. Every imaginable reality and universe.
Neo-Druidism: Druidic groups belonging or resembling the Neo-
Pagan movement.
Neo-Paganism: A modern attempt to revive ancient paganism, but
with modifications to suit present needs and laws.
New Reformed Druids of North America: A title used on two groups
in the 70s. The first groups, composed of Carleton Arch-Druids,
were interested in greater communications. The second groups
were predominately interested in Neo-Paganism.
New Reformed Druids of South America: The hypothetical name
of any future Druid group that would be formed in South
New York Grove #1: A mid 60s grove founded in New York.
New York Grove #2: A mid 70s grove founded in New York.
Carleton College.
Druid Chronicler: NRNDA’s national newsletter from 1977 to
1982. A supplement to DC(E)
Druid Chronicles (Reformed): The original five books by Frangquist
containing history and customs. See Part One. Abbreviated as
Druid Chronicles (Evolved): A collection of Reformed literature
by the Berkeley Grove. Abbreviated as DC(E).
Druid Curse: a powerful curse accidentally formulated by the
Founders, used four times, and then forever banned. Copies
are unavailable. Some people quip that the modern Druid Curse
is the inability to keep a grove from collapsing every few years.
Druid Sigil: A circle with two parallel vertical lines passing through
it. Symbol of the Reform.
Druidess: A Druid who also happens to be female.
Druidic: adjective of being very much in keeping with Druidism.
Druidical: another adjective, like Druidic
Druish: being like a Hassidic Druid.
Druidism: The practice of Druids.
Druidry: The practice of Druids.
Earrach: one of four Druidic seasons. Spring. From Oimelc up to
way of saying Nature.
Eisteddfod: An annual cultural festival in Wales in which Welsh
Druid/Bards are seen.
Epistle: An official letter to another Druid, usually on weighty mat-
Equinox: A time of the year when the nights and days are of equal
Evergreen Grove: A mid 70’s Grove in Washington State. Began
the ZDNA.
First Order: The first step into Reformed Druid “hierarchy” achieved
by partaking of the Waters and affirming the Basic Tenets.
Fisher: Founder of the RDNA and author of much of its hierarchy
and form.
Foghamhar: one of four Druidic seasons. Fall. From Lughnasadh
upto Samhain.
Founders: The people who established Druidism, usually consider [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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