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side to avoid directly confronting his opponent's eyes. He is always careful to do this in such a soft way
that his aggressor does not realize what is happening. Another defensive maneuver that the person can
use is to look directly at his opponent, focusing his eyesight on the spot between his aggressor's eyebrows.
His opponent will not realize that his victim is not looking him straight in the eye.
These techniques are infallible and may be used until the aggressor gives up his attack, frustrated by
his inability to intimidate his victim. They also work well against hypnotism.
A Collection of Sacred-Magick.Com
Part Five
This section contains a collection of general Taoist sorcery principles.
The priesthood is a noble vocation. Or at least it should be. The desire to sacrifice a worldly life to seek
self-enlightenment says a lot about the character of a priest and his quest for spiritual self-attainment.
Priests usually dedicate their lives to prayer and swear loyalty only to God, so they have no need to
meddle in politics or other mundane affairs. They give up material luxuries, women, and stimulants.
According to the rules of the priesthood, a priest's only desire should be to control his desires and to
elevate his mind and spirit toward the Supreme Being in search of his own spiritual salvation.
In China, the government helps priests ensure their dedication to the gods by providing temples and
monasteries with a yearly budget that allows their abbots to provide for the needs of the inhabitants. But
in many countries, people join the priesthood solely because they do not want to work. This is often the
case in nations where religion is not controlled by the State. In these places, self-financed priests often
covet riches even though they are supposed to lead a life of frugality, and they find excuses to carouse and
drink with women. When allowed to collect religious tithes from people, they also become greedy and
pursue political, financial, and military power. Gold, sex, and power are, after all, the root of evil, and
temptation leads everyone, laymen and priests alike, straight into perdition.
This is why it is said that priests can, and often do, end up in hell.
Religious Sexual Abstinence. There are those who believe that priests must abstain from sex in
order to serve God. By this, they are implying that man knows what God wants and that He failed in His
attempt to create human beings by not making them sexless. Sex ensures the survival of mankind and this
fact has nothing to do with a person's like or dislike of the sexual act.
The Unending Search for Good Spells. Any sorcerer or priest can cast magical spells but not all
spells are effective. There are three types of spells: the good, the not so good, and the totally ineffective.
Part Five
Highly effective spells are jealously guarded by priests and sorcerers. Consequently, priests from
organized religions are always secretly searching the world for outstanding rituals and spells. Their aim
is to be able to perform peerless rituals so that the gods will grant their every request. In public, these
priests always say that they are opposed to the superstitious beliefs held by other cultures, yet they secretly
believe in the very customs they criticize.
Priestly greed for secret knowledge is limitless. In the 1960's, mothers in India complained that the
young daughters they placed in Catholic nunneries were being forcibly taken to the Vatican and
questioned about traditional Indian occult rituals.
Truly, priests know that secret knowledge is wealth and some would love to exploit this knowledge
for their own rapacious benefit.
The Principle of Confession. In Taoist temples, confession is used as a means of establishing a line
of communication between people and gods. When a layman becomes sick or has a problem, he prays
directly to the image of a god in solitude and confesses his transgressions to attain celestial forgiveness.
This confession can be spoken, or written and then burnt. Both methods are just as effective.
The Task of Priests. Priests and sorcerers usually attain the same level of learning. Both are
required to master rituals and to expel and punish evil ghosts. They are also required to learn
concentration techniques without which they would not amount to anything because absent-minded
people fail at everything they try. The main difference between the two is that while the sorcerer publicly
accepts that he can contact both gods and demons, the priest denies having any knowledge of ghosts. He
does this as a matter of economical expediency, for pious people may refuse to donate money to priests
who act like sorcerers.
Tickets to Paradise. Most people have a rough idea what paradise means but since no living
person has seen it, preachers and priests promise that they can help us gain entrance to this sacred
realm but only if we follow their teachings. These religious manipulators even claim that they can talk
to God and the Devil. It would be interesting to find out how they do this, since much more dedicated
religious men are unable to contact these exalted beings. Perhaps the preachers should ensure that they
will not go straight to hell for making such wild claims.
Discrediting Sorcery. Priests have done their best to discredit sorcery and have been so successful
in instilling doubt in people's minds that those who practice true sorcery are self-conscious and worried
about their critics. But if lawyers and carpenters are not ashamed of their professions, why should good
magicians be ashamed of theirs?
The Evil in Religion. Religion can save people's souls but it can also be used to harm them. For
instance, it has been publicly stated that priests sometimes pray for the demise of enemies of the church.
How can this be possible? Religion should be used to seek a path to Heaven, not to harm people solely for
political aims. But, as in the case of medicine, law, and sorcery, religion can save as well as kill when used
by individuals with excessive weaknesses and desires.
Closing the Door Behind You. Priests and others who tread religious paths would do mankind
a favor if they did their jobs correctly, for then there would be no evil or hungry spirits running rampant
in this world. This would entail closing the spiritual doors they open during their rituals so that all
summoned spirits would return to the hereafter.
Business and Religion. Priests who proclaim that the Devil should be destroyed are only doing
what is good for business because they know that human beings cannot even dream of destroying Satan.
A Collection of Sacred-Magick.Com
Sorcery Principles: On Religion
Such an idea is as ridiculous as the notion that a man could push a mountain with his bare hands. The
existence of evil demons is what makes the existence of gods possible. If one half of the circle were
destroyed, the other half would automatically be destroyed along with it. If priests sincerely believe that
the Devil can be killed, they are either very naive or think that everyone else is.
Becoming a God. While some religions require their followers to pray relentlessly to one god,
other religions encourage believers to aspire to become gods themselves, albeit minor ones.
In the Orient, a true practitioner of any religion must dedicate himself to following the tenets of that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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