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capable of taking care of herself--
 That stinkin thing was a female? How do you know that?
Jaret frowned.  Let s just say I figured out that reptiles on Tahn Ror have mammary glands.
Krys took a long ragged breath.  If anything has happened to Dena, I ll kill the son of a bitch that touched her.
Jaret nodded, sitting back down again, but still fidgeting.  I m rather fond of her myself.
Krys peered at his friend, uncomfortable with the protective feelings that were consuming him, but even more
uncomfortable that Jaret was reading him as adeptly as he ran the Nav.  Seeing as how we ve also lost our prisoner,
we ll need Dena to get those gems we will owe Gaddis.
 We could always sell the one you have, Jaret suggested, eyeing the stone Krys had placed on the console.  It must
be worth a fortune.
 No. Krys grabbed the stone and stuffed it in his pocket.
 Where s the rest of it? Jaret asked casually.
 Dena has it.
When Jaret grinned at him, Krys leaned over grabbed his partner by the collar and yanked him out of his chair. The
extra adrenaline rushing through his body made the task easy.
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Starlit Destiny
 Krys! Jaret screamed, flailing about.
There was no doubt in his mind that the only gem he was worried about had two bright shining eyes, but he didn t
appreciate Jaret hassling him about it.  I ll not have you listening to her fool ideas about destiny, dreams and children.
I m my own man, no one forces me to do anything!
Jaret ducked out of his grip and managed to pin one of Krys' arms behind his back.  The life you lead doesn t lend
itself very well to fatherhood.
Krys easily twisted out of Jaret s hold, turned tables on the man, and captured him.  No, it doesn t.
 But we ll figure out some way of working everything out. Jaret paused as Krys squeezed his chest, continuing in a
raspy voice as he struggled from breath.  If you love her, and she s worth it.
 Who said anything about love? Krys asked insistently.
Jaret leveraged his weight, and Krys hit the wall behind him with a force strong enough to rattle his teeth. Krys was
sure he didn t want this conversation to go any further.  If you aren t in love with her, then why in Tahn Ror are you
so worked up that you re choking the life out of me?
Krys looked down, realized he was being a bit rough, and released his friend.  Never mind.
 I want to know who brought up children. Jaret waited patiently for an answer.  You? Jaret asked, his merry eyes
dancing with speculation. Krys remained silent.  She didn t tell me anything about children.
 What the hell was she doing talking to you anyway?
 You upset her, you big idiot. She had to talk to someone.
Krys ignored him and sat again. As Jaret repeated the question, he picked at imaginary fibers on his thighs.
 You are in love, Jaret finally stated.
 I m in no such thing.
 After all these years, I thought you were a hopeless cause. Jaret was positively bubbling with joy.  But it s finally
happened to you.
 As if you re such an expert on the subject, Krys said, scowling at his friend.
 Compared to you!
Krys caught himself. What was he doing arguing about this? The more he argued, the more points Jaret would rack
against him. It didn t matter that Jaret was right. It only mattered that he couldn t be the man Dena or any woman
would need. He wouldn t wish his life on her, and his actions had only made being around him more dangerous.  Just
leave me alone.
 When will you allow yourself to be happy?
Krys was taken aback. He didn t have that luxury. He d given that up fourteen years earlier.  How would you know
what could make me happy? Your latest fling was with one of Naciq s exotic dancers.
 I did not have a fling with her. I tried to have a fling with her. There is a distinct difference.
Krys frowned.  You got us in all kinds of trouble over it, and you don t even know her real name.
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Starlit Destiny
 Stop trying to change the subject! Jaret s face was no longer amused.  You are one stubborn sun of a blaster. I have
no idea what Dena sees in you.
 Jaret. Krys grumbled, holding his hand up in a peremptory gesture.  It s been too long. We ve got to find her.
 Okay, okay. Jaret set the coordinates for Rheno.
Chapter Twelve
Dena was disappointed that they weren t flying straight to Tahn Ror. She hadn t seen her father in years, and it didn t
seem fair that she had to wait even a few more days. But her distress reminded her that her mother and her twin sister
Jilan still believed her father was dead. That knowledge reminded her that she could wait a few more days.
They arrived at Nevdha and flew over a range of jagged mountains. Off in the distance she could see a flat plain. As
they made their way across it, the ground proved to be as geologically scarred as the mountains, pockmarked with
craters and fissures and covered with huge boulders. Everywhere the moon s colors were predominately shades of
green with a tinge of blue.
She wondered if Krys was on the barren moon below her. Or was he on the moon s planet?  How will we contact
Krys and Jaret?
 We won t.
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