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magic and religion.
11. Granted, the explanations offered by these non-western think-
ers may seem a little strange to Western philosopher and theolo-
gians, as well as their students, but historically speaking it is the
Western monotheistic thinkers who are out-of-step.
12. And I will submit that monotheism, far from being the crown
of human thought and religion, as its supporters have claimed
for several bloody millennia, is in fact a monstrous step back-
wards a step that has been responsible for more human misery
than any other idea in known history.
13. And I will suggest that, in rejecting all religion and ritual be-
cause of disgust with the only religions known to you the mono-
theistic ones some of you have thrown out the baby with the
bathwater; just as you were supposed to do.
14. And I will further ask you, sisters and brothers, to read my
words with as open of minds as you can, for whether you wind 15. Truth is defined as a function of convenience (the magical Law
up agreeing with me or not is really not important; but you will of Pragmatism, also used in most engineering and scientific ac-
at least understand my motivations and concepts, and those of tivity: if it works, it s true ); Truth does not exist in a compre-
my colleagues in the Neopagan movements. hensible form as an eternal essence.
15. Perhaps you will come to understand that we are not irrational, 16. The simplest example of this is your favorite table: slam your fist
anti-intellectual, back to the caves fanatics, but that rather our down on it.
philosophies are the equal in complexity to any ever invented in 17. After yelling with pain, you will notice that, on the level of ordi-
the West. nary mundane reality, that table is quite solid.
18. Yet we all know that, on another level of reality (one we all
believe in, even though we ve never seen an atom), that table is
Chapter Two: Reality and Non-Reality
99.9999% empty space as is your hand.
1. In order to understand the original ideas behind most magical
19. For the table is simultaneously solid and not solid, depending
and religious rituals, one must begin with the fact that the Gods
upon which level of reality we care to consider.
are real.
20. A beautiful perfume in my universe may be a terrible stench in
2. Their type of reality is not that of a block of wood or of anything
yours; to a colorblind person, red and green may appear the
physical that we are familiar with, but a kind of reality it is none-
same; sound is a false concept to a person born deaf he or she
has to be taught to perceive that which does not exist to his or
3. This may seem somewhat confusing to the dualists among us,
her senses.
so I will attempt to explain this rather complex matter.
21. The wonderful theories of relativity being so proudly produced
4. The theological system that framed the philosophical structure
by modern physicists were known millennia ago by Pagan phi-
of Western Civilization and conditioned westerners as to what
losophers and mystics; the only reason relativity came as such a
was logically thinkable, is basically a conditionally monotheistic
shock to our scientists was because the Western worldview does
dualism .
not allow for ambiguity or relativity everything is either Abso-
5. That is to say, while claiming to be monotheistic, it is in fact
lutely Eternally True or Absolutely Eternally False ( He who is
polytheistic, with the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, Mary and
not with me is against me , The lukewarm I vomit forth from
Satan (Allah and Shaitan, in Islam) as the major deities, with a
my mouth , Kill them all, God will know His own , etc.).
host of lesser deities called Saints, Demons and Angels all of
22. This is not the place for an extensive analysis of Western Reli-
whom are divided into two grand armies: the Good Guys and
gion; but it is necessary to point out these matters rather bluntly,
the Bad Guys.
in order to allow one to think the unthinkable by reasoning out
6. Dualism is the metaphysical view that the cosmos is divided
that which Aristotle says is impossible to reason out.
into two irreconcilable forces, usually described as Good and
Evil; frequently, it is stated that the Good God is the God of the
Chapter Three: The Reality of the Gods
Spirit (and therefore everything nonmaterial is good except of
course the Bad God and his minions, who are also spirits) and 1. Now, with the preceding background, we may come to the fasci-
the Bad God is the God of the Material World (and therefore nating point where metaphysical relativity intersects the realm of
everything material and fleshly including all the female deities theilogy (one may use the term polytheology if the slight change
of the Earth, such as our Earth-Mother is irretrievably evil). in the usual spelling of theology is upsetting).
7. Unlike the Oriental systems, there is no overlap between Good 2. For the Gods are both real and unreal, true and false , de-
and Evil, White and Black, Light and Darkness. pending upon which level of reality one cares to deal with.
8. Now while Western theology claims that Satan/Shaitan is weaker 3. Taranis, for example, is on the physical level merely a quaint
than Jehovah/Allah, nevertheless, in their day-to-day statements, myth of our Celtic ancestors. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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magic and religion.
11. Granted, the explanations offered by these non-western think-
ers may seem a little strange to Western philosopher and theolo-
gians, as well as their students, but historically speaking it is the
Western monotheistic thinkers who are out-of-step.
12. And I will submit that monotheism, far from being the crown
of human thought and religion, as its supporters have claimed
for several bloody millennia, is in fact a monstrous step back-
wards a step that has been responsible for more human misery
than any other idea in known history.
13. And I will suggest that, in rejecting all religion and ritual be-
cause of disgust with the only religions known to you the mono-
theistic ones some of you have thrown out the baby with the
bathwater; just as you were supposed to do.
14. And I will further ask you, sisters and brothers, to read my
words with as open of minds as you can, for whether you wind 15. Truth is defined as a function of convenience (the magical Law
up agreeing with me or not is really not important; but you will of Pragmatism, also used in most engineering and scientific ac-
at least understand my motivations and concepts, and those of tivity: if it works, it s true ); Truth does not exist in a compre-
my colleagues in the Neopagan movements. hensible form as an eternal essence.
15. Perhaps you will come to understand that we are not irrational, 16. The simplest example of this is your favorite table: slam your fist
anti-intellectual, back to the caves fanatics, but that rather our down on it.
philosophies are the equal in complexity to any ever invented in 17. After yelling with pain, you will notice that, on the level of ordi-
the West. nary mundane reality, that table is quite solid.
18. Yet we all know that, on another level of reality (one we all
believe in, even though we ve never seen an atom), that table is
Chapter Two: Reality and Non-Reality
99.9999% empty space as is your hand.
1. In order to understand the original ideas behind most magical
19. For the table is simultaneously solid and not solid, depending
and religious rituals, one must begin with the fact that the Gods
upon which level of reality we care to consider.
are real.
20. A beautiful perfume in my universe may be a terrible stench in
2. Their type of reality is not that of a block of wood or of anything
yours; to a colorblind person, red and green may appear the
physical that we are familiar with, but a kind of reality it is none-
same; sound is a false concept to a person born deaf he or she
has to be taught to perceive that which does not exist to his or
3. This may seem somewhat confusing to the dualists among us,
her senses.
so I will attempt to explain this rather complex matter.
21. The wonderful theories of relativity being so proudly produced
4. The theological system that framed the philosophical structure
by modern physicists were known millennia ago by Pagan phi-
of Western Civilization and conditioned westerners as to what
losophers and mystics; the only reason relativity came as such a
was logically thinkable, is basically a conditionally monotheistic
shock to our scientists was because the Western worldview does
dualism .
not allow for ambiguity or relativity everything is either Abso-
5. That is to say, while claiming to be monotheistic, it is in fact
lutely Eternally True or Absolutely Eternally False ( He who is
polytheistic, with the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, Mary and
not with me is against me , The lukewarm I vomit forth from
Satan (Allah and Shaitan, in Islam) as the major deities, with a
my mouth , Kill them all, God will know His own , etc.).
host of lesser deities called Saints, Demons and Angels all of
22. This is not the place for an extensive analysis of Western Reli-
whom are divided into two grand armies: the Good Guys and
gion; but it is necessary to point out these matters rather bluntly,
the Bad Guys.
in order to allow one to think the unthinkable by reasoning out
6. Dualism is the metaphysical view that the cosmos is divided
that which Aristotle says is impossible to reason out.
into two irreconcilable forces, usually described as Good and
Evil; frequently, it is stated that the Good God is the God of the
Chapter Three: The Reality of the Gods
Spirit (and therefore everything nonmaterial is good except of
course the Bad God and his minions, who are also spirits) and 1. Now, with the preceding background, we may come to the fasci-
the Bad God is the God of the Material World (and therefore nating point where metaphysical relativity intersects the realm of
everything material and fleshly including all the female deities theilogy (one may use the term polytheology if the slight change
of the Earth, such as our Earth-Mother is irretrievably evil). in the usual spelling of theology is upsetting).
7. Unlike the Oriental systems, there is no overlap between Good 2. For the Gods are both real and unreal, true and false , de-
and Evil, White and Black, Light and Darkness. pending upon which level of reality one cares to deal with.
8. Now while Western theology claims that Satan/Shaitan is weaker 3. Taranis, for example, is on the physical level merely a quaint
than Jehovah/Allah, nevertheless, in their day-to-day statements, myth of our Celtic ancestors. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]